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Hello, doers of darkness, thank you again for signing-up for Kaleidoscope! Assignments have been sent and we're are in need of two pinch-hitters. If you are interested in creating fanwork for Blue Beetle (Comics), Bride and Prejudice (2004), Gensō Suikoden Surī (幻想水滸伝III) (Suikoden III), Kyūtī Hanī Za Raibu (キューティーハニー THE LIVE) (Cutie Honey: The Live), Power Rangers Turbo, Sengoku jidai (Nihon) (戦国時代(日本)) (Japanese Warring States Period) RPF, Kitāb alf laylah wa-laylah (كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة) (One Thousand and One Nights), Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, Suīto PuriKyua♪ (スイート プリキュア♪) (Suite PreCure♪) and Wairudo Āmuzu Adovansudo Sādo (ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード) (Wild ARMs 3), please check out our mailing list for Kaleidoscope Pinch-Hits, to which anyone can subscribe to receive notifications of pinch-hit requests.
If you signed up for Kaleidoscope and have not received an email about your assignments, please leave a comment here, contact us at darkadmn AT gmail DOT com, or PM us at
dark_administrator. Assignments are due on 2012 October 20, 9 p.m. Pacific Time (U.S.A.), and more information about assignment requirements can be found at our assignments guidelines.
If you are planning on producing an artwork, vid, mix, podfic or graphics, we will shortly be sending out a follow-up email to all participants with information about file hosting options.
Here are a few additional links that you may find useful while you're contemplating your assignment:
For those of you who are considering participating in Kaleidoscope Treats, we made a mix-up when planning for Kaleidoscope Treats this year. If you're interested in creating fanworks for Kaleidoscope Treats, regardless of whether you've officially sign-up for Kaleidoscope or not, our Kaleidoscope Treats 2012 AO3 Collection is now open for submission! Feel free to browse the list of Dear Doers of Darkness letters -- or pinch-hit requests -- for inspiration, and we will make the list Prompts for Kaleidoscope Fanwork Exchange 2012 public on 2012 October 5 for further perusal. (If you need an AO3 account, please leave your email address at Archive Of Our Own Invite List For Kaleidoscope.)
Additionally, if you are not signed up for Kaleidoscope but plan on producing a Kaleidoscope Treat that requires file hosting, please contact us at darkadmn at for assistance.
In conclusion, how are you feeling about your assignment? Or if you're only participating through Kaleidoscope Treats, the prompts you've seen in Dear Doers of Darkness letters? Do you need help finding canon materials? Feel free to flail anonymously or otherwise in the comments!
Happy belated Día de la Independencia (México)!
This entry is posted at Dreamwidth, LiveJournal and Tumblr, and you may comment at any platform.
![[personal profile]](
Hello, doers of darkness, thank you again for signing-up for Kaleidoscope! Assignments have been sent and we're are in need of two pinch-hitters. If you are interested in creating fanwork for Blue Beetle (Comics), Bride and Prejudice (2004), Gensō Suikoden Surī (幻想水滸伝III) (Suikoden III), Kyūtī Hanī Za Raibu (キューティーハニー THE LIVE) (Cutie Honey: The Live), Power Rangers Turbo, Sengoku jidai (Nihon) (戦国時代(日本)) (Japanese Warring States Period) RPF, Kitāb alf laylah wa-laylah (كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة) (One Thousand and One Nights), Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, Suīto PuriKyua♪ (スイート プリキュア♪) (Suite PreCure♪) and Wairudo Āmuzu Adovansudo Sādo (ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード) (Wild ARMs 3), please check out our mailing list for Kaleidoscope Pinch-Hits, to which anyone can subscribe to receive notifications of pinch-hit requests.
If you signed up for Kaleidoscope and have not received an email about your assignments, please leave a comment here, contact us at darkadmn AT gmail DOT com, or PM us at
![[ profile]](
![[personal profile]](
If you are planning on producing an artwork, vid, mix, podfic or graphics, we will shortly be sending out a follow-up email to all participants with information about file hosting options.
Here are a few additional links that you may find useful while you're contemplating your assignment:
- Kaleidoscope highlights sources from underrepresented regions
- Easy to offer fandoms: list and resources
- List of Dear Doers of Darkness Letters
- Kaleidoscope 2012 Beta Resources
- How to Post Various Fanworks for Kaleidoscope on Archive of Our Own (to be updated)
For those of you who are considering participating in Kaleidoscope Treats, we made a mix-up when planning for Kaleidoscope Treats this year. If you're interested in creating fanworks for Kaleidoscope Treats, regardless of whether you've officially sign-up for Kaleidoscope or not, our Kaleidoscope Treats 2012 AO3 Collection is now open for submission! Feel free to browse the list of Dear Doers of Darkness letters -- or pinch-hit requests -- for inspiration, and we will make the list Prompts for Kaleidoscope Fanwork Exchange 2012 public on 2012 October 5 for further perusal. (If you need an AO3 account, please leave your email address at Archive Of Our Own Invite List For Kaleidoscope.)
Additionally, if you are not signed up for Kaleidoscope but plan on producing a Kaleidoscope Treat that requires file hosting, please contact us at darkadmn at for assistance.
In conclusion, how are you feeling about your assignment? Or if you're only participating through Kaleidoscope Treats, the prompts you've seen in Dear Doers of Darkness letters? Do you need help finding canon materials? Feel free to flail anonymously or otherwise in the comments!
Happy belated Día de la Independencia (México)!
This entry is posted at Dreamwidth, LiveJournal and Tumblr, and you may comment at any platform.